Please join us for The Centers’ H.O.P.E. Campus Groundbreaking Event
April 11, 2025 | 9:30AM
The Centers’ H.O.P.E. Campus
11401 Lorain Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44111
The Centers – in collaboration with Cuyahoga County Office of the Executive, Department of Children and Family Services, Board of Developmental Disabilities, Juvenile Justice, and numerous other external stakeholders – has developed plans for a major capital renovation project that transforms Cleveland Christian Home into The H.O.P.E. Campus. The project’s ambitious goal is to provide a central location where DCFS staff and child-serving nonprofits can work in lockstep to get at-risk youth ages 12-18 into their best placement as quickly as possible, assisting with rapid reunification and kinship diversion for children in county custody, while providing a safe location where youth awaiting placement can be assessed and receive treatment.
H.O.P.E. stands for Healing, Opportunities, Partnership, and Empowerment and is more than just a name; it is a powerful symbol of what the campus strives to instill in every child and family it will touch. H.O.P.E. embodies the aspirations of healing, overcoming adversity, and building a brighter future. For youth who have experienced trauma and displacement, hope is often the crucial first step toward recovery and resilience.
A campus named H.O.P.E. communicates an unwavering commitment to providing an environment where young people can begin to rebuild their lives with the confidence that they are not alone in their journey.