Work & Recovery

Substance Use Treatment, Recovery, and Workforce Services

Sustained recovery from Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is significantly tied to meaningful and purposeful work-life balance.

Employment is an important to recovery and being financially stable.

Supported Employment & Group Therapy

Work/Life Balance

This program helps residents in Cuyahoga County who are in recovery as well as people who are having problems with drugs and alcohol, gain or keep employment with treatment, recovery, and workforce support.

Step 1: Join one of our programs

Substance Use Treatment
(for drugs and alcohol)

Supported Employment
& Education

El Barrio Workforce Development
(career training)

Step 2: Use our Support Services

Get started today!

Fill out the form below to request more info and a member of our team will reach out to you!

Are you in treatment or recovery from alcohol or other substances??(Required)
Reason for Referral(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Become a Peer Support Specialist!

If you are in recovery at least a year and are interested in becoming a peer yourself, the Peer Recovery Certification Program is designed to equip individuals in recovery from mental health and/or substance use disorders with skills and knowledge to support others on their recovery journeys.

We offer a wide range of support, including:

  • Treatment for drug and alcohol use: This can include counseling, medication, and support from other people in recovery.
  • Train to become a Peer Support Specialist!
    • Get support in skills needed to be a Peer Supporter
    • Help others by sharing your journey
  • Help finding and keeping a job: We can assist with things like:
    • Resume building and job searching
    • Learning about job benefits
    • Finding jobs that support recovery
  • Job training and skills development: We offer training programs to help you learn new skills or improve existing ones, which can increase your job opportunities.
  • Get back to school: Find out ways to get your GED, get a certification, or take college classes


Locations Offering Supported Employment & Education Services

East Office at Nancy Lyon Porter Building

(at Nancy Lyon Porter Building)


4400 Euclid Avenue





8:30am – 5:00pm M-F

Gordon Square Office


5209 Detroit Avenue





8:30am – 5:00pm, M-F

WinMAT - New Patients need to arrive by 3:30pm

Get Directions

gordon square

Uptown Office

(at Circle Health Services)


12201 Euclid Avenue





Health & Wellness: 8:30am - 5:00pm M- F

HIV Testing: 9am-4pm M-F



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