On-Demand Access to Harm Reduction Supplies

The Centers, in partnership with the ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County, now offers four Harm Reduction Vending Machines across Northeast Ohio. With saving lives in mind, each vending machine is filled with naloxone, as well as other supplies. All of these supplies are FREE to the public. 

Call us today to get started: 216-721-4010, ext. 6 for a personal access code, or fill out the form below. 

how to use a harm reduction vending machine

Fill out our form below to receive an access code.

What is a Harm Reduction Vending Machine?

The Centers offers Harm Reduction Vending Machines for easy access to life-saving naloxone and other harm reduction supplies for free to the people in our community. Whether you want to be prepared if a loved one overdoses or you need supplies for personal use, our Harm Reduction Vending Machines offer free, confidential supplies Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm at our Gordon Square, East – Nancy Lyon Porter Building, and Uptown/University Circle locations

Narcan and other harm reduction vending machine supplies

Available Supplies

  • Wound Care Kits
    • Gauze, non-stick pads, antibiotic ointment, saline
  • Safer Sex Kits
    • Condoms, lubricant
  • Take-Home Tests
    • Fentanyl
    • Pregnancy
    • HIV
  • Personal Sharps Container
  • Safer Use Kits
    • Smoking
      • Bubbler or pipe, alcohol wipes, screens, mouthpiece
    • Injection
      • Cooker, filters, alcohol pads, antibiotic ointment, saline, bandages

How do you use The Centers' Harm Reduction Vending Machine?

Learn more about how to access The Centers’ Harm Reduction Vending Machine supplies. Use code 0000 for naloxone (NARCAN), for all other supplies, a personal access code is needed. First-time participants should call 216-721-4010, ext. 6 to receive an access code. All calls are confidential.

Funding, in part, provided by:



(at Nancy Lyon Porter Building)

4400 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44103

Indoor • 9am-5pm

Gordon Square

5209 Detroit Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44102

Indoor • 9am-5pm


11201 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44106

Indoor • 9am-5pm


3929 Rocky River Dr.
Cleveland, OH 44111

Outdoor • 24 Hours

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