‘Growing from our Roots’ is The Centers’ most prestigious signature event celebrating community partnership support and providing our guests with an update of our work and impact in the region. This annual event is attended by over 300 philanthropists, community leaders, and corporate partners. This year, The Centers is honored to have keynote speaker, Princess Sarah Culberson. Princess Sarah is a Sierra Leone Princess, author, and humanitarian who will share her journey of discovering her roots and rising to the challenge to make on impact in her community.

Sponsoring the event this year will support our integrated health, family, and workforce programs that help over 15,000 Clevelanders annually and will develop a greater awareness of those in attendance of our organization’s investment in, and commitment to these important services.

Below are the available sponsorship options and benefits. If you have any questions, please contact James Forristell, Director of Corporate Development, at 216-325-9286 or at james.forristell@thecentersohio.org.

Event Sponsorship Form


Presenting Sponsor

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